Join Us


More than just a Union

There are many benefits to joining Unit 12, here are just a few. 

Still Not Convinced?

Here are a few additional reasons to consider joining a Union.

The Best Workforce
  • Union members enjoy better wages, benefits, and job protections compared to non-union employees.
  • There is a broader spectrum when assessing the need for labor unions beyond CBAs and MOUs.
  • Many believe employers provide benefits out of kindness, but unions have fought for laws that mandate certain benefits and safety standards.
  • Unions advocate persistently for all workers, leading to current labor laws.
  • California and New York, states with high union membership, have some of the best labor laws in the country.
Worker Benefits

Workers enjoy a myriad of benefits resulting from persistent union advocacy over decades, with the understanding that this list represents only a small fraction of the rights and benefits secured by unions for the workforce.


  • 40 hour workweek
  • Weekly regular days off
  • Overtime Premium Pay
  • Paid Holidays
  • Sick Leave
  • Vacation Leave
  • FMLA
  • Workman’s Compensation
  • Meal Periods
  • Safety Standards (Cal OSHA)
  • Employer Provided Personal Protective Equipment
  • Discipline Appeals

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Be Part of Something Bigger

Becoming a member of California Unit 12 equips you to advance your career through the collective bargaining process, creating agreements and protections that benefit you and your family.

Want to find out more?


Be Part of Something Bigger

Becoming a member of California Unit 12 equips you to advance your career through the collective bargaining process, creating agreements and protections that benefit you and your family.

Want to find out more?

“The sky is the limit
  with Unit 12″

Office  1620 North Market - Sacramento, CA 95834                Phone  916-444-6880             Email